Frequently Asked Questions

  • All you need is an open mind and a smile! The host provides the place, seating and refreshments and the artist supplies the materials to create the artwork so you just need to be there!

    • Tip - Even though aprons are provided for the time of the event, it’s still recommended that you wear clothes that you are ok with getting a little messy.

  • Absolutely not! Sometimes the most fun couples or friends have together are when one or more have no artistic background. This opens up the opportunity for conversation and learning something new. You will be given step by step instructions on how to create a beautiful painting that the host as pre-selected.

  • The minimum number of guests to have a private class is 10 people. If the minimum attendance has not been met for a class we reserve the right to reschedule or cancel the class.

  • For all in-person classes we have a 24 hour cancellation policy. If you need to cancel or reschedule, we are happy to do so with the required notice.

  • If you would like to paint something other than the selected options please contact Kayla and have a conversation. Sometimes a subject is outside of the 2 hour mark or not feasible for the size of class. Please note that Kayla does NOT paint people or pets.

  • Some of venues that serve alcohol do have an age limit so please check with the individual establishment before booking a class. Any children in attendance with adults must be at least 10 years old to participate and will be counted as a paying attendee.

  • Tipping is not required, but considered the same as big, warm hug to the artist! The artist’s Venmo will be available at the event for online tipping.